Thursday, June 14, 2007


16/6 : Okay, just so if most of you never noticed...Which I'm sure that you didn't...
I hadn't updated my blog for like 5days...Qwer...
Had issues with myself, though despite help from jon, li jia, sam, gaby, still i can't find it in me to get over my break up...Sighs...

Anyways, I'll just update this for the sake of updating it...
Erm, 14th...Hmm..It's a Thursday...

Oh, I remember now...Got back few exam results...Then had some weird lecture bout EST in school which I slept throughout while listening to my i-pod...
Boring shit man...Really...'
Then we went to eat at Nam Heong...Woo...
It was filling as we ordered half a chicken...Hohoho...
Then went back home and had tuition...Basicly that summed up the day...I really cant write much so I won't go into the details of the daY...

"Someday we'll know if love can move a mountain..."


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