Saturday, July 7, 2007

One Night at Hartamas

Well, it started off nicely when we headed to Hartamas Shopping Complex at about 12am. Next, as we were walking, David, Jon and I stumbled upon this bus stop thingy. And guess what did David do?

Bang ! Bing ! Boom ! The whole thing was dented. Lolz...Jon also added some spices of his own as I captured them on phone.

David and Jon in the middle of the road. Haha.

To their left.

To their right.

And then they found a trolley and started to chill on it. Rofl.

Then suddenly, they had this crazy idea....

To push each other and bang the trolley against a mini-wall. Lolz...

And then they pushed the trolley down the slopes...

Jon in action pushing the trolley. Wakaka...Caught red-handed...

Lolz...Sick time it was, really sick, even the people around us were thinking that we're high on caffeine or what, well I mean I was laughing the most while Dav and Jon did all the action. Rofl, never knew being cameraman to such idiocy would be much fun. =D

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