Sunday, July 8, 2007


Can anyone heal my broken heart? Erhem erhem...

Anyways, back to the daY...SundaY...Well, I woke up at 11am then headed over to the club. Really really pei I was. Then after, I went to Sheryl's for a while, coz she gonna teman me go Sunway to get myself a haircut. And when I reached there, guess what? I left my o2 phone at the club. Huhu T_T

Just an off-topic pic, my kangaroo and Monti in the small background there. Hehe...^^

Anyways, thanks Sheryl for washing my hair for me. Well, I mean you had to make up for the time you made me wait for you to get ready. Hehe. And your house damn nice, honestly. =)

So, I went back to the club to get my phone back later at about 3pm. So, then I decided to take some pics since I was alone.

To my left...

To my right...There are a few people there, but I don't know them, so I was alone la basically...Lalala...

Usually I won't be alone wan lor, but now since I'm single again...Sighs, what to do...Get stoned lor...Rofl...

And then I decided to take a pic of my shoe...Weird huh =P

Was listening to...Guess urself...Hehe ^^

Somehow I like this pic, has this cooL effect about the lightings I guess...So that was my sunday...

1 comment:

Pwinzess J said...

hey justin.. glad you're feeling better..
time is like a river, once it's gone it'll never come back.. so just enjoy what you can do right now la.. the past will just be memories and will always be a part of you.. =)

smile always yea.. take care.. cya around..