Sunday, March 30, 2008


I notice, that I seldom read blogs nowadays. Hmm, I don't know why.

I visit my own blog like once every 2days recently, and I'm pretty much lazy to do anything with it. I hardly stalk blogs anymore, and I hardly have time to actually do some actual blog reading, of course there are some exceptions la, hehe.

And now I realize I'm using a lot of "," and no "." .

Pfft, I've been able to sleep pretty well last night. Maybe watching Man Utd trash Villa 4-0 was worth the watch. =D

I wanna go out, I wanna watch movies, I wanna stone, I wanna go yc at night. =(

Everything seems to be right there in my face but I don't know what to do with it. Sighs.

The things I do for the people I regard as "friends" really makes me question myself sometimes, whether for all I've done, do I get anything back in return from them.

I mean how hard is it to attend your friend's birthday of whom you've known since primary school right. Even though we ain't that close now, but c'mon, it's just once in a while and it's his 18th birthday. Sighs, people these days really don't know how to value others.

The things I do and the sacrifices I make, sometimes just tells me I should stop doing them. But at the end of the day, I can't help myself from not doing so, and yet again, be taken for granted.

I hate me.

*Everything I do, I do it for you.

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