Monday, March 31, 2008


Tagged by Zhi Wei.

1) Who is your all time inspiration?
The people I consider most dear to me, and the people I love. Hehe <3

2) Have you had a crush on me?
What kinda question is this!?!?!

3) If you were to be stranded on a deserted island, who are the 3 blog buddies you would take with you?
Someone who I think I can spend my life with, someone who can think of a way to get out of the island and someone who can entertain me with his/her silly remarks. =D

4) Where is the place that you wanna go to the most?
Italy! Spain! Yes, yes, I wanna go to Rome and Madrid again. =(

5) If you have one dream to come true, what would it be?
To love and be loved.

6) Do you believe in seeing rainbows after the rain?
I guess so, though I haven't been seeing one for a while now. =/

7) What are you afraid to lose the most now?
The people I hold dear to me.

8) If you win $1, what would u do?
What use is it here in Malaysia? = =

9) If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him or her??
I'll regret my whole life knowing that I didn't, but of course it has to come at the right time and the right moment. =)

10) List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
- Restless.
- Rash.
- The energy! (and of course "sa pao", hehe)

11) What are the other requirements that you wish for the other half?
As long as she's understanding and compassionate and loyal, I'll be more than happy, of course with the condition that she loves me, teehee. =)

12) Which type of person do u hate the most?
Get to know me better to know.

13) Highlight of the week?
Stone, stone and stone? Hmm, I guess reading back MSN conversation history was fun. =D

14) If you have faults, would you rather the people around you point out to you or you rather they keep quiet?
Sometimes I'd prefer them to point it out, sometimes the latter is better. =/

15) What do you think is the most important thing in life?
Love. Friendship is up there too. =)

16) Are u a shopaholic?
Neh, I don't consider myself to be one.

17) What's on your mind right now?
Everything that you don't know.

18) If you have a chance, which part of your character would u like to change?
Whatever I think needs a change.

19) What's the last shocking thing that you see or heard?
There are more Muslim's than Catholic's. Lol.

20) What's bothering you lately?
Myself, I guess I don't always look at the bright side of things. =/

I tag whoever who's in my blogroll who hasn't done this tag. Do it if you want to, not really necessary.

*Got a feeling that I can't go back.

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