Sunday, April 13, 2008


It's going to be 12. I haven't studied for my Specialist Maths test on Tuesday, and I'm pretty much stoning instead of typing out my Chemistry assignment.

I want to watch VP against SK's replays right now, but then my guilty conscious will be ringing a bell every few minutes to remind me that I still have work to complete.

Oh well, I guess it's time to get the feel of assignment rushing again.

And no, there isn't a mistake on my blog. I removed my chatterbox. I'm pretty much lazy to actually type anything there, and it would be rude if I don't reply my readers, so might as well take it off.

And I'll try to work on the layout soon, hopefully later in the afternoon.

Okays, time to shower and start watching replays doing my work. Bye.

*Coz' I can't breathe, no I can't sleep, I'm barely hanging on.

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