"If there is someone who could make me smile more, it would be you. If there is someone who could make me happier, it would be you. If there is someone who could make me forget about all my worries, it would be you. If there is someone who could catch me when I fall, it would be you. And if there's someone that I can only love, it would be you." - Pigil²
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
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Thursday, August 21, 2008
Baby and I went Fish Spa today at Kenko, Pavilion :D Hehe. The fishes really got much fatter and BIGGER since the last time I went. Damn scary!
We were screaming and biting our towels cause it was so geli and kinda painful too! Haha, we had to force each other's legs into the water cause we kept freaking out :p So jakun, I know :D Hehe. And the boyfriend is lucky to have me sitting next to him, cause all the big big fishes came to me instead of him :(
But I want to go again! :D Though I doubt baby will teman me again :p His reaction was really funny. So cutee <3 He thought he was going to die okay. Haha.
Sigh, since this blog is like dying, I shall post up some pictures of our interesting fish spa experience :p Goes to show how lazy the owner of this blog is, hehe.
Look at the piggg! Lol. As if someone was going to kill him like that okay :p Ish.
Oh, and we attempted horror movie today :D The Strangers. I think I only watched three quarters of the movie. The other quarter I was hiding behind baby's hands :D Haha, SCARY okay!
I think I should stop blogging here too and let the blog decompose together with Sesame. Haha :D
Toodles :)
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Monday, August 18, 2008
It definitely feels like I own this blog now since the boyfriend decided to abandon this faithful emo blog of his. So sesamisedly evil =p
Baby lost his mp3 in college on Thursday :( :( Argh, I think it must have been some M who took it, must be. Taylors should ban them la, seriously =S
Anyways, we went Mid Valley yesterday rather early in the morning. Haha, I had to wake the pig up at 8 something and as usual I had to force him to wake up despite him manja-ing with his "A while more", "5 more minutes?" and "3 minutes more, please?" <33
Watched him played CS for some WCG thingy sponsored by Nuffnang, I think? :D Sorry la, I'm not exactly very cyber-gamed yet okay, although my boyfriend is a CS and Dota pro. So as usual, I was fascinated (very jakunly) by their speed and accuracy in the game. I'm a slow person okay, don't blame me. :D
Then then then, yay! I conned him into buying some stuff :D For himself la, not me. Hehe. I'm so happy :) Had lunch at Madam Kwan's, and he paid for lunch AGAIN. Sobs :( Then we wanted to watch movie, but the queue in Mid Valley was so damn long and packed with his favourite race, the M's :D So we decided to head to Signature GSC.
We went back to his place before the movie since we had three hours. Visited the Evil Sesame, watched Olympics, and got freaked out by his naughty dog, Benji :D Haha. Signature GSC is really comfy by the way :D And The Mummy was kinda scary, too many chopping off heads scenes. Twinkles was so naughty okay, he kept covering my eyes. Hehe. Okay la, more like I didn't wanna watch the gross scenes :D :D
Hehe, so the boyfriend and I didn't choose a wrong day to be together <3
Nice number okay :D
Skittles is now four months old! :) Twinkles is three, and baby Starry is still two months old :)
Happy four months darling.
Much love <33
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Friday, August 15, 2008
Yes, the blog is dying. Heh. The visitor count has decreased well, almost to single digits. Yays. No more updates for the month from me. Toodles people. ;D
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Saturday, August 9, 2008
It feels like I own this blog now. Cause the owner of this blog is a real Pig-Il-² who can't seem to stay awake every night after dinner. Haha, so yeah.
He tried conning me today, okay fine, he did con me for like 2 minutes into thinking he was kidnapped/mugged by a M.
What happened was.. when he told me he was going to walk, walk okay, walk! to Leisure Mall, I kinda freaked out. Haha, yes la, I know it's right opposite his house, but there are a lot of weird people loafing around there somehow. And plus! A lot of that race there okay!
So I messaged him to check if he was still alive, haha, as in literally.
And he replied, "Ko ni sape?"
I was.. stoned? Haha. Worried, of course, but really stoned. So many possibilities ran through my mind, the possibility that he really got kidnapped cause he really has the "I am rich, come rob me" face okay. But I thought of the possibility that he was conning me as well la, as usual :p See, I ain't that blur okay :p
So yes, my lazy Pigil² boyfriend finds joy in making me worried by acting as a M! Hmphhhh, I so don't like you :p
But you know I love you <3
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Tuesday, August 5, 2008
I am here to un-emofy this blog, yeah, you all know how emo this blog is right? ;p Haha.
And as well as to keep this blog alive! :D Haha, yes yes, you people reading this should thank me for updating this lazy bum's blog for you all who read his blog to cure your boredom :D
We created a blog for Twinkles, Skittles, Starry, Sesame and Street! :) :) Haha, we're pretty good at giving names now, from Silly Tilly to Street to Skittles, Twinkles and Starry :)
Yes, I am the sesamised girlfriend :D
And the boyfriend is bullying me at this exact moment, hmph.
It's not funny okay!!!! :( Poke you ahhhh. Heh.
Okay okay, buhbyes! :) Yeah la, I know this post damn random. Heh, expect more random posts from me! :D I am supposed to keep this dying blog alive anyway, :D
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I guess I'm pretty much quite a selfish and self-centered person at times.
I'm pretty oblivious to the people around me, with a few exceptions of course like the girlfriend, Twinkles, Skittles, Starry and Sesame.
Though I kind of know what people are going through and what's happening, that's how far I'd go in terms of relating myself with people.
Yeah, I pretty much am the person that everyone would think "Oh it's Justin, there's like already so many people in his life to talk to, why bother". I think I get that quite a lot, heh. Not that I'm complaining, I'm pretty much more than happy that most if not everyone I know thinks that way by now. No sarcasm intended here by the way, I'm dead serious.
So yeah, call me self-centered, I don't mind. Because I don't really give a damn on what people think about me. To me, and most importantly to the people I care about as mentioned above, and to include my family of course, I am me, myself and I. Nobody else. Just the same old Justin Low Ken Leong.
If you, or anyone else have whatever reason to doubt that I am a failure in life, then please by all means go ahead and think that way. I love proving people wrong anyway.
So yeah, being self-centered isn't too bad a thing sometimes. You don't have people pestering you, neither do you have so much things to worry about. Because yeah, at the end of the day, everyone else only means that much to you. Call me insensitive, and I'll call you an angel. Toodles.
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Monday, August 4, 2008
To the girl that makes my every day that tad bit sweeter than it was yesterday. <3
The girl that puts a smile on my face with each glance I lay on her, including the silly ones. Hehe. <3
The girl that keeps me warm when I'm cold by sandbag-ing me. <3
The girl that keeps me close when I need someone to hold me, and squish me. <3
The girl that claims that she eats a lot by flattening her rice and then eating less than half of it. I have to finish the rest of course. Piggle. <3
The girl that makes sure that I'm done with my work and then heads to bed as well as saves me when my printer goes haywire. <3
The girl that stays awake every night to make sure that I'm asleep. <3
The girl that manja me back when I manja her. <3
The girl that constantly pokes me whenever I play with my hair and calling that black thing brain juice. <3
The girl that wakes me up to make sure I study on the eve of every test. <3
The girl that makes sure I'm never late for the things I do if it means waking up early in the morning. <3
The girl that makes me decide on things (and discriminate my decisions!) and claims that she has mastered the skill of deciding, hence I am on probation and have to decide. <3
The girl that makes me copy things in class by asking me to copy for her, in which she will copy for me (so con okay, haha). <3
The girl that does the silliest of things sometimes like throwing paper down from three floors high and screaming "Black cat!" when we were like in the middle of nowhere at night. <3
The girl that cannot multitask when doing many things like talking on the phone and walking down the stairs. <3
The girl that makes sure I drink water everyday, hmm more like the other way round, but yeah. <3
The girl that always tells me "Nothing la" when it's never nothing. <3
The girl that thinks that my driving is dangerous and could be the cause of my death. <3
The girl that experiences the weirdest and silliest of dreams every now and then. <3
The girl that always has rubbish on her mind in thinking that one day that will happen. <3
The girl that thinks that me being like Po is not a bad thing. <3
The girl that says "We must budget" and the next day we're at Haagen Dazs. Heh. <3
The girl that claims that I am more stubborn than she is, which I of course am not. <3
The girl that thinks Sesame is retarded and on the verge of decomposing. <3
The girl that calls Twinkles a smelly pigbear and Skittles is her baby, and Starry is her darling *jealous okay!*. <3
The girl that bans me from Coke because it is bad, as well as coming up with the word "Coke feeling" which is reflux of the stomach, as well as many other "feelingS". <3
The girl that thinks that me paying for most of things is a bad thing, which of course it isn't. <3
Okay, I can go on and on till I don't know when about this. Like how she claims I don't hug her when I do every day, and how she would ease the pain on my shoulders when the nerves on my shoulders are all jumbled up, and how she would go on and ask me that question some eleven times a day, etc etc. Heh. <3
I love you. <33
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My mind's constantly filled with thoughts no matter what I do. Oh well, it can't really be that bad a thing, no?
I think Leona Lewis is one hell of a performer on stage. She makes songs sound so like how they record them in the studios.
I think I'll be okay for Maths tomorrow, hopefully. I feel very awake, though the clock says it is 12:34 am now.
Hmm, August is always that time of the year. Yeah, you know, that time. Actually, I don't even know what I'm talking about.
I've managed to convince my mum that I ain't doing too bad for my course, I mean almost perfect ESL assignments, decent Physics and Maths assignments, and pretty good Chemistry practicals, I guess that can't be a bad thing. Put aside all my horrible common test results of course.
I mean wth la, common test. So damn rubbish. If wanna test, test the whole damn thing la, test like that can die okay. It's like in high school where they have all the small tests, where I'd usually flop them all coz' they don't really emphasize on how the final exam is really done. So yeah, knowing me, I don't really care about the battle, only the war. Sniffles.
I've been updating too frequently. My blog visitors are not going down as quickly as I thought it would. So, this shall be the last post in a long long time. Heh. Toodles.
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