I've always wanted to do this post since way way back then, when I thought I knew its meaning. But I guess there's still a lot to learn, but yeah, I'll share a thought or two on it, as what I have come to know and observe in life.
Yeah, so if you have about 15-20 minutes to kill then you can go on reading, if not I suggest scrolling your mouse to the top right hand corner and click that red 'X' button there. :)
So yeah, how do you define love? An act of compassion? A passionate feeling you have for someone? Or that little tingly feeling you have inside you when you see that certain someone? Or the feeling of getting somebody to like you or liking somebody? Or maybe that force of attraction you have towards that someone because of him/her?
I believe it's up to everyone as to how they would want to interpret love. But yeah, my interpretation is that love is...
Okay, only the girlfriend gets to read that, heh. :)
Anyways, I think that every relationship has its own recipe to everlasting love. Yeah, its unique and special, that's why every relationship is different I guess. Sometimes you don't get it perfect, but that's where you learn from it. Sometimes you do get it right, and that's when you won't let go and you'll live on that way happily for the rest of your life. :)
I think that people are generally afraid of relationships. For love and during love, that's when you see the true colours of each person. It is that very fact that shows that person's true personality, who he/she really is. Yeah, it's funny, but it's true.
There is no limit as to where would one go for love and relationships. Everyone fears rejection, or to put it in other words, the fear of facing the fact of an unrequited (not repaid) love. Yeah, it's like the total opposite of unconditional love. Everyone doesn't like the fact of unrequited love, it's like trying to clap with one hand. No fun in that, no?
So yeah, that's when you get to see people that live their lives without getting their hopes high, or like deceiving themselves that they don't expect anything out of love. You know, the same old phrase that "No hopes, no expectations, means no disappointment and no pain". Yeah, that same excuse time and time again. These are the people that fear love, hence they usually don't get repaid with it. Even if they do, they don't usually end up sustaining it. Why? Because fearing love is something that is wrong, something which isn't supposed to exist within oneself.
I mean if you fear love so much, why even fall in love in the first place right? Dare to love, embrace love for what it is. If you suffer a fall from it, get back up. Because the reason why we fall is to learn how to pick ourselves up. :)
Then there are those which want love but totally do not want love. Sounds confusing? Yeah, these are the ones that take time to understand, but all in all, they're pretty easy to figure out. They'll live life alone not wanting to know whether the grass is greener on the other side as they perceive that it is not. Hence, they'll only take a look at it if they're given some insurance or something like that. They dare not take the step forward to embrace love neither do they take a step back to deny love.
Yeah, they may have fallen in love once or twice but then they'll go on not wanting to accept love unless they are sure it will not wind up being like the previous time(s). Yeah, they wouldn't want to start off at square one again I'm pretty sure, but who would want to? But then again, we make mistakes in life and that's where we move on I guess.
Now I'll move on to those who doesn't really want love but needs love. You know, the ones who don't really care for what love is all about but instead just needs to know what it feels like, what it tastes like to be in love. Or so they think they are "in love". But heck, it's everyone's own interpretation to what love is I guess. Yeah, so they'll be kind of needy and not hesitant at all as to find out what love is all about but only if they find people they're interested in, and not vice versa where they're not interested in that person.
Yeah, then there are the ones that just want love as to fit in or to show that they too can fall in love. This is what I call naive and well, a little mix of stupidity and blindness. Yeah, that's how I define it, sue me if you want. Anyways, they'll be like very in need of somebody to love them and they'll practically just fall for anyone they'd know who gets a little too close for comfort kind of situation with them. They'd sometimes misunderstand acts of kindness and compassion as that someone being interested in them.
Yeah, so they'd just fall for people who would fall for them and not really get the whole idea of affection I guess. But what the heck. They try to be in love, but when the idea of actually being in love for the long run, I really don't know what's gonna happen.
Then there are the really patient ones. Those who believe in love, has their hopes high, has faith in the perfect/dream girl/guy etc. Yeah, they stay faithful to love, in hope that one day their soul searching would come to an end. These are those that I guess understand the meaning of passionate affection and believe love is something real and genuine. Nothing much to add here, as I guess they do know that eventually someone will come by knocking on their door to deliver him/herself to them. :)
And then there are those that don't really know what love is, but know what love is. You know, the time where you were still living your own life without any worries and any care for anyone else and then suddenly you bump into someone and then it all begins. Haha. Yeah, these are those that want love but only I guess if it shows up at the right place at the right time. But then again, that's how everyone falls in love I guess, by chance.
So yeah, there's still about two to three more (of course I wouldn't write which am I in this post, hahaha, not that dumb okay!) that I know of but I'd stop here as this has gone long enough. I assume this applies for both guys and girls (a bit vague on the girl part though). But hey, assume-ing is never good. Yes, assume-ing not assuming. Why? Because making an assumption = Making an ASS out of U and ME. (ASS-U-ME = ASSUME!) Haha. That teaching is from Mrs. Ng by the way. :)
So go on now, go figure out love. Be daring to love, embrace love, feel love, and love love. Heh. Remember, never hate the person, hate love. :)
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Squished by
Thursday, October 2, 2008
I need to exercise! Sniffles.
It's been way too long since I last played futsal. Not good okay. At least kicking footie around the house isn't too bad, but yeah I need to play futsal people! My goal tally of 147 or is it 138 goals in 21 games needs to carry on! Grr.
Man, I wonder if those people from the Monash soccer team or whatever are still playing. At least they managed to put in a bit of fight. The others, well let's just say that I'm too young for them.
Anyone up for futsal? =D
Squished by
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Sorry people, didn't really had a post in September. Anyways, I guess reviving the blog every once in a while isn't a tad bit too bad. So yeah, just a few short updates I guess?
Baby is currently in Sydney, and there's still another four days before she comes back. I'm missing her like hell now but at least I've managed to discover the art of cartoon-making. Yes. Haha.
I'm on holiday now and my finals are in a couple of weeks. This is not good. Holiday = forgetting everything that I've learnt in the whole year. Sniffles.
I've definitely flopped my entire trials, which is not good once the parents finds out. Uggh. Hmm, on a side note, at least the girlfriend did pretty good I think. So yeah, at least my hardwork in making her study did pay off after all. =D
Birthday weekend is coming up, cartoon-making is beginning to take shape, busy busy busy. Pfft.
I guess some people have troubles of letting go of the past, some still live in it. They just don't know how to move on, how to let go. No matter, they'll know soon enough that life is about what is now, not the future, not the past.
Yeah, just because they didn't really have things go for them in the past, they think they'd make their lives better by making a fool out of themselves to critique the path that they could never have had. You know, like the "Yeah la, luckily I didn't go with that bla bla bla" kind of thing.
So yeah, just because you didn't have a chance at it doesn't mean that life on the other side isn't greener than your side. It means that you just couldn't deal with the fact that you've never gotten a chance to look at life on both sides. Such losers and imbeciles, har har.
Yeah, so take a look in the mirror and ask yourself, "Who am I today?". You won't know what comes tomorrow, coz' even if you've planned everything right, all it takes is one thing to screw up the system and chaos is upon you. Watch The Dark Knight and listen to what Joker says to Harvey Dent in the hospital, totally makes sense okay.
Okay, short update just went a little too far. Haha. Oh well. Till the next time, toodles.
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