Monday, September 10, 2007


Well, I guess you know me a lot by now, and I'm sure I know you quite well too.
We talk to each other just fine, and we make each other laugh everytime we see each other.

We can talk for hours and embrace one another's presence for longer than what we thought would be.

It's funny how we met, but it's funnier how we got here to where we are today.
Although it doesn't seem like a long time, but I've come to know you so much more in these past few months.

It seems rather weird, but at the same time it all seems so fitting.
May it be where we are right now, I hope we can continue this.

And hopefully in time, when the right moment and the right time comes, we both might find each other to be more than where we are now.

I'm pretty sure you'll never read this, but if you do, I hope you know what I'm trying to say.
But most likely you won't, coz' hardly anyone ever will read it anyway.

Eeee...Just scribbles of mine here. *yawns* I'm sleepy, and it's only 10.40pm.

Oh well, whatever. *dives to the bed and cuddles the cat* Lalala, nites' people. =)


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