Thursday, December 6, 2007


Had a long and tiring day today. Woke up at 10.30am, rushed to Bangsar, went to Masjid Jamek to meet baybe and we waited for everyone else for about an hour before heading to Kelana Jaya to meet Lucas and to go to Sunway Pyramid. Wth am I not using fullstops. Pfft.

So we arrived there to celebrate Bryan's birthday, and again, happy birthday Bryan~. So we went there and stoned a while, before heading off to go ice-skating. <3

It was my first time ice-skating, seriously, despite how many hundred times I've gone to Pyramid. Hmm, it was a lil hard at first, and when we just walked in, baybe fell as one guy bumped into her, and no, it wasn't her first time. =P

So then we skated and skated and I finally knew how to skate. Weee. Such fun, best part is, I never fell...yet. So as we skated and skated, and I got a blister which burst under my other blister which also burst, hmm, we were heading out as they wanted to close the skating rink for the moment and that's when I accidentally hit the tip and fell sideways, dragging baybe who was holding my hand with me too. Ahax.

Thanks for falling with me baybe. <3

Okay, I seriously don't know why I'm not using fullstops in this post. Pfft, really no idea.
Hmm, so we went to Pizza Hut for dinner then headed back home. I'm pretty much stone and a lil qwer now, whatever that means. I need some rest, badly. And no, I do not sleep, I rest. Nyahaha.

Pavilion should have a slot in my time on Saturday, anyone wants to go?

And yeah, it's been 3days since I last dim sum wei, anyone wanna dim sum or not? Mon, Mao?

Golden Compass. <3

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