Wednesday, April 9, 2008


So we went to celebrate Sook Yan's birthday on Monday, her actual birthday was Sunday. Being the typical everyone, we decided to go to Jogoya only to have it changed to another place at the very last moment.

And that place being Planet Hollywood. >=D

Where the famous Tom Cruise kissed framed up paper on the wall. Haha.

So did A1, omg.

And voila, the birthday girl.

The people.

Again, with a few unaware-of-camera-about-to-snap people.

This time with everyone in the pic.

Something's wrong with this picture. = =

Some game they were playing after eating.

This was what they were playing for.

Black Pepper Chicken.

Southern Fried Chicken Salad.

Some sandwich, wth I'm like promoting food.

Onion head. Lol. =P

And of course, the cameraman/ who couldn't understand 3/4 of what everyone in the table was talking about, muah. Lol. =D

Good nights.

*There's a feeling inside that I want you to know, you are the one and I can't let you go.

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