Tuesday, April 15, 2008


It's funny how you look at yourself sometimes and think how retarded you are.

I don't know, but sometimes I feel that way. Okay, that was totally random.

Anyways, I managed to convince my mum to let me stay in the new house before everything actually arrives there. Though I definitely need a car, internet connection, and a bed. =D

Well, the bed frame is there already, with the closet done, air cond fixed in, and electricity and water supply going fine.

There's even a cute black and white cat, who's a mother of four kittens living there. Though haven't been seeing them around since last week, hmm.

Then again, it could be pretty boring staying there alone and I have no idea what am I gonna eat for dinner. =/

And there isn't going to be a television set till my parents move in, omg la. How to stay up late at night you tell me. Pfft.

Hopefully everything will be done by the end of next month, though I doubt it will be.

I'm going to try to study now. Toodles.

*Like a river flows to the sea, so it goes, some things are meant to be.

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