Tuesday, April 15, 2008


So today we were supposed to go home early, as in right after college. We as in me and Lai. But then this hindered us from doing so. Pfft.

Yes, double park. @(#)*$@&$*@

Lai examining the car or something like that.

A very frustrated Lai.

Thus, we ended up going to visit Ho at FTZ, in which I was then forced to play as Ho had to leave.

Guess 2weeks of no DotA doesn't affect me much, and indulging in competitive gaming always is a step higher than pub games. Lalala~ =D

So we left at 4.30pm, and the car was still there. So it was like $*@*($&@Y#(@^# again.

Then we sat in the car and Lai was like creating noise pollution with his honk, till every passerby was like stoned.

After like 10minutes the guy came down, apparently he was working in a nearby shop. Pfft.

So that's about it for today I guess. I need a good night's sleep! Grr.

*It's like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife.

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