Monday, August 4, 2008


My mind's constantly filled with thoughts no matter what I do. Oh well, it can't really be that bad a thing, no?

I think Leona Lewis is one hell of a performer on stage. She makes songs sound so like how they record them in the studios.

I think I'll be okay for Maths tomorrow, hopefully. I feel very awake, though the clock says it is 12:34 am now.

Hmm, August is always that time of the year. Yeah, you know, that time. Actually, I don't even know what I'm talking about.

I've managed to convince my mum that I ain't doing too bad for my course, I mean almost perfect ESL assignments, decent Physics and Maths assignments, and pretty good Chemistry practicals, I guess that can't be a bad thing. Put aside all my horrible common test results of course.

I mean wth la, common test. So damn rubbish. If wanna test, test the whole damn thing la, test like that can die okay. It's like in high school where they have all the small tests, where I'd usually flop them all coz' they don't really emphasize on how the final exam is really done. So yeah, knowing me, I don't really care about the battle, only the war. Sniffles.

I've been updating too frequently. My blog visitors are not going down as quickly as I thought it would. So, this shall be the last post in a long long time. Heh. Toodles.

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