Wednesday, July 11, 2007

2hours of sleep = Stoned Day at School

Okay, I slept at 4am yesterday. Don't ask me why. I couldn't sleep. Somehow, sighs. Things just keeps playing through my mind and I'm like, gosh, it's dusk, who the heck is awake. Nvms, I went to school you know, amazingly. Hehe, managed to wake up. =P

Today was a mere waste of time at school. I sat outside the class coz' there was 6 relief periods. Yes, 6 ! Which means only 3periods of studying. Ish, shouldn't have went to school. Zzz...And I slept for about 3relief periods before I went out to sit and listen to my iPod.

I didn't eat during recess, so deng deng deng deng....Look what I brought up. Hoho... =D

Burger Ayam ! Yes, I had a bite already before taking the picture. It smelled too good to resist la. What you expect...Didn't eat breakfast wor =P

And I pretended to do add maths so that the teacher wouldn't notice. And then jun lin complimented me, " It's a waste Steven Spielberg didn't hire you as an actor." Muahaha...Thatz how good I avoid being caught =P

The rest of the class was basically stoned too. They played chor dai dee the whole time. Rofl =D

This pic somehow looks like a ghost. Notice the head coming out from the light. Qwer...

And yeah, just a random pic. The certificate and token of appreciation I received from Hisyamuddin. Lalala, and yes, I get to keep it ! So, back off ! =P

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