My song playlist is messing with my heart, gah... What is going on?
Nevermind, I found this pretty hilarious :
Spongebob : Ah, Squidward, you decided to join us !
Squidward : What ?!!!??! Oh no, I'm claustrophobic.
Patrick : What does that mean?
Spongebob : Hmm, it means he's afraid of Santa Claus.
Patrick : Oh, HOHOHO !
Squidward : Aaahhhh !
Spongebob : Stop it Patrick, you're scaring him !
Squidward : No, Spongebob, you're stepping on my foot !
Spongebob : Oh, sorry Squidward.
Patrick : HOHOHO !
The episode's much funnier with the tones and Patrick's arm movement while saying Hohoho. Gah, I'm lame.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Squished by
Monday, December 17, 2007
This is gonna be a long, and heavy post, full of words, not pictures, I repeat, words. You hate reading, don't read at all, if you think you can read, then please read till the end. Thanks.
When I first set foot on the hallways of high school, I didn't expect much to become of it. I was pretty much more contented with following the tide, and join the flow of things. But I guess that isn't what high school is about, isn't it? It's about growing up, and learning about life.
There are things I have done in my 5 years here at St. John's which I'm not particularly proud of, and there are things that I have done that will always be buried in my heart. I realize over the course of these few years, it's not about what you do or who you are, it's about what you have become.
Form 1 is quite a stepping stone in my times at high school, I had many friends, many, or so I think they were my friends. I was never that much the person I am now back then, as I was more nerdy, I admit, nerdy, coz I was scoring above excellent results in my examinations, wtf. So I guess that makes me nerdy? I was pretty much just following everyone else, being like everyone else, doing what everyone else does. But I guess, that isn't the way things are set out to be.
Form 2 is where things changed, it was 'the' year I had most fun and enjoyed myself most. Why? Because I started becoming me, acting like me, not anyone else, but me, myself and I. Everything changed, I met the stonest person one could ever meet in Jonathan ( sicko, hahaha ) and we were pretty much wrecking down the school bit by bit. I didn't study no more since form 2, my grades dropped tremendously, but hell, I enjoyed every second of the year.
I met many people then, I then thought, the more people you knew, the more you would be like popular, the more you are admired, the classier your rep is gonna be. But I learnt what the true meaning of things when I met a precious gem in December. One that has set the tone for my life for the next 3 years.
She wasn't that much someone I knew, but she was someone I had to know. It was till I met her is when I realize, it's never about being popular, it's never about how many people you know, it's never about meeting many people, it's never about how many people admire you or like you, it's never about how many people knows you, it's never about being the center of attention, because at the end of the day, the one that matters is, who remembers you.
I now know that it doesn't matter about how many people you associate yourself with, because I find it absurd to seek attention that much. It's just stupid, I've been there, and trust me, when you've gone through hell, you'll realize there isn't really that many people there next to you. It's about who you want to be with, who you want to remember you, and about who you think is important.
Popularity is something you must look beyond, it's something which blocks the limits of discovering new things about life. It's never about the quantity of the people you know, it's always about the quality of the people you know. Or if that's how you put it. I learnt that it's not about being noticed, seeking attention, or being recognized, but it's who you know and who you keep close to you is what makes life that tad bit lovely.
And for that, I could never repay this gem, for teaching me this, a truly remarkable 3years it has been. Thanks for the memories, and everything else, it'll stay in my heart forever. =)
And now, I just can't comprehend why people like attention seeking so much, why they like having many people around them all the time, it's just plainly absurd. I'd rather spend time with less people, but the people that I want to spend time with and I know will always be there when I need them, be it spending time with 3-4 people. I'd rather do that than to be spending time with 20+ people whom I just know by relations of "friend" but not the person that's important in my life.
Form 3 is where things start to shape up, I was creating my own tide now, not following the usual flow, but setting my own one now. Form 3 I wasn't much that active in school anymore, besides having representing the school for basketball, badminton and volleyball, I was pretty much building up my relationship with my ex. I realized things that needed some realization and thus, I have become a better person today. Towards the end of the year, everything turned out smoothly, relationship wise and academically wise, we made it a year unofficially together and I snapped up 7A's for my PMR respectively. =)
Edit : To be continued.
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Saturday, December 15, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
So yesterday we had this DotA competition at TBun, first time entering such a tourney, and we were up against a well prepared and more experienced team I must say. Although we had good basics, but we had some problems about when to wrap up the game or stay put and defend several waves of riposte attacks.
Straight to the point, we were drafted to be The Sentinel. Line-up for heroes are as below.
The Sentinel
Beastmaster - JL
Sand King - Theng
Tormented Soul - CK
Silencer - TL
Viper - Mua
The Scourge
Centaur Warchief
Nerubian Assassin
Priestess of the Moon
Twin Head Dragon
Indubitably, lane control is important in DotA, and I guess we had the upper hand at the early stages. Sum up of the game.
<20minutes - Sentinel controlled, although conceding First Blood via Sand King. Silencer and Viper had roughly 5k by now.
<60minutes - Scourge was then getting towers down, and then controlling the map via wards supplied by Jakiro.
90minutes - Scourge failed an attempt at breaking down middle, thus, Sentinel focused and broke mid lane but failed to finish up top lane due to Centaur's brave defending.
<120minutes - Scourge was controlling all 3lanes by now, despite Sentinel's middle creeps seemingly stronger, thus resulting in an overwhelming win at the end for them.
No replays however, due to match being played at the cyber cafe. Pfft.
Squished by
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Friday, December 7, 2007
I was on the verge of shedding teardrops from my eyes this evening. I could not contemplate on why I felt that way, but I did.
I always wondered what my life would be if I'm someone else. Someone as in a nobody, a phantom, a ghost, an unknown, obscure object that people never notices. I guess I could live that way, or actually I want to live that way.
The shadows of the night cast themselves upon the walls along the hallways of the house, as I sit here and wonder, is everything alright?
Squished by
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Had a long and tiring day today. Woke up at 10.30am, rushed to Bangsar, went to Masjid Jamek to meet baybe and we waited for everyone else for about an hour before heading to Kelana Jaya to meet Lucas and to go to Sunway Pyramid. Wth am I not using fullstops. Pfft.
So we arrived there to celebrate Bryan's birthday, and again, happy birthday Bryan~. So we went there and stoned a while, before heading off to go ice-skating. <3
It was my first time ice-skating, seriously, despite how many hundred times I've gone to Pyramid. Hmm, it was a lil hard at first, and when we just walked in, baybe fell as one guy bumped into her, and no, it wasn't her first time. =P
So then we skated and skated and I finally knew how to skate. Weee. Such fun, best part is, I never fell...yet. So as we skated and skated, and I got a blister which burst under my other blister which also burst, hmm, we were heading out as they wanted to close the skating rink for the moment and that's when I accidentally hit the tip and fell sideways, dragging baybe who was holding my hand with me too. Ahax.
Thanks for falling with me baybe. <3
Okay, I seriously don't know why I'm not using fullstops in this post. Pfft, really no idea.
Hmm, so we went to Pizza Hut for dinner then headed back home. I'm pretty much stone and a lil qwer now, whatever that means. I need some rest, badly. And no, I do not sleep, I rest. Nyahaha.
Pavilion should have a slot in my time on Saturday, anyone wants to go?
And yeah, it's been 3days since I last dim sum wei, anyone wanna dim sum or not? Mon, Mao?
Golden Compass. <3
Squished by
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Don't judge me for what I have done, judge me for what I am. There's a story behind every face, yours, hers and mine too. One look, one gaze, one stare is each as much meaningful as one touch, one hug, one kiss.
There's a lot of undefined and awkward moments in life, but it's how you go through them and carry yourself that makes you who you are, and sets you apart from everyone else. Because at the end of the day, I am cooler than you. Pfft. Need I say more?
Squished by
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Oh, did I mention Pavilion's GSC rocks too?
Well, they're still showing Bee Movie and Stardust to those of you that haven't watched them yet. And yeah, you know Enchanted and The Golden Compass, yeah, they started showing them too. <3
Went for driving today. First thing was the instructor drove me to the Conaught highway there, then he stopped. I thought he wanted to ask me sign some papers, then he told me to change seats, wtf ? Thankfully I drove before, so I didn't panic THAT much on the highway. Pfft.
I drove all the way to the IMKEDA place, practiced parking and the 3-point turn before driving around the route 3-4 times, as in the driving exam route, and then drove back home. Wee, a very funny, but pawnzor and roxxor instructor I have. Nyahaha. =D
I'm so addicted to Over You by Chris Daughtry. Pfft. It's just so darn nice, no ?
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Monday, December 3, 2007
Went to Pavilion today. Pavilion rawks, it's my first time there and I memorized all the shops and their places, pfft, I know I'm easily fascinated. Pfft.
Met loads of people there, didn't know it was "Let's go to Pavilion Day", ahax.
Spent almost 7hours there including lunch at Rakuzen before goin to Secret Recipe for cakes.
Aaahh, I feel like making it my second home, wtf.
I want a BeeMeR ! <3
Only another 2 months. Yays. =D
Squished by
Sunday, December 2, 2007
I need a break. I can't stand this anymore. Things changed, everything changed.
I just wonder why this has to happen. I couldn't comprehend on why things have to turn out this way after a simple "Yes" was said.
You won't get what I mean anyway, but thanks for reading although you don't get it.
The trust I place turns out wasn't on the place I thought I did place after all.
Squished by