I've been into drama shows lately, as well as movies. Have I not anything better to watch? But they're damn nice okay. With all the conflicts and all, pretty much worth the time watching. =D
I need to study, but yet again I can't. Slept for 4hours since coming back. I'm seriously a sloth and a darn pig. Pfft. What's going on with me? Now my SMS counter is at 2209 messages for the month. My mum's so gonna kill me. And that haven't include the calls that I've made for the month. Gawd. @_@
I find myself very narcissistic in life. Give me a mirror and I can look at it all day, with of course focusing the attention all to myself. For example, we played truant again mid-way through school today ( whatever ! ) , so then we went to nearby mcD. Gosh, I tell you I practically stared at the mirror and messed with my hair the whole time we were talking there. Was like so into the mirror ( I know I leng chai, but then very the gay to keep staring at yourself isn't it? ) till I did not even glance at my friends. Pfft.
Have to stop dy la. Cannot be so narcissistic, cannot.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
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Had a very dumbfounded conversation with Ho the other day via TopazChat. In case you're wondering what TopazChat is, it's some chatting program you use to connect to Online Games, such as Warcraft and Starcraft kinda thing. Okay, enough bout' that. Pfft.
"Justin, what're you doing?"
"Erm, blog-stalking. Why?"
"Yeah. Blog."
"What is that?"
"Erm, something like your own personal website."
"Har, got such thing meh?"
"What does it do?"
"It's where you post up stuff about what you wanna say about your life or anything la."
"How to do wan?"
"Need money wan ar?"
Can you imagine that. My friend doesn't even know what's a blog. Gawd, that's just sad to see that he's like lost in the virtual world, and the stuff about the people around him.
And of course, Mao, if you're reading, you should notice that I censored off your lines in the conversation. Hahaha you damn bad misguide him la. Sorry aite. =O
And yes people, I do stalk blogs. Lalalala. >=D
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Happy Halloween to all out there !
Why can't Malaysia have proper Halloween tradition? Just because we're "not" Western people, doesn't mean we can't celebrate it right? Pfft.
Me and Halloween are like <3.
I <3 Halloween and Halloween <3 me. Oh gawd, what am I saying. Pfft. You get the point right, grr.
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Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Oh gawd. Somehow I now have become a sort of like Add Maths freak. Pfft. I did like 2 paper 1 exam questions in about 2hours. Damn. What have you people done to me? @_@
Oh well, at least now I'm good average in Add Maths so I don't have to worry about flopping it in my SPM. Wtf. Hoho, had a rather tiring day today. Didn't do much, besides attending school for rehearsal tomorrow and then playing truant mid-way. Yes, yes, I know I'm that evil and naughty but cut me some slack can? I've been working my socks off stoning studying at home okay. Ish. >=D
Hmm, I've always wondered where my future college destination would be. Monash, Taylors, HELP, Sunway. Gawd. The choices. Oh wait, what course am I taking again? Pfft. I'm so lost between the lines. And till now I still can't get what I'm reading for bio into my head. Aaaaa ! @_@
Ooopppss, it's dinner time, hehe. Time to makans. Adios. =D
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Changed my blog layout.
Thought the previous one looked a lil' shabby and messy. Prefer this a whole lot better. Besides, white makes things easier to read anyways. <3
Hmm, just realized that my blog's getting more boring these days. No idea why. Have I lost my blogging touch? Pfft. Why bother anyway. We blog to express, not impress. Or so that's what I think we should be doing.
Gawd, I watched Bourne Ultimatum again yesterday. Seriously I need to study. Grr. But I don't know why I can't. T_T
Anyways, this post is like some sort of Reformation thingy we learnt in History for this bloggie. I'm like trying to turn this to something new, and hopefully it'll be better. Pfft, what am I saying. It will be better ( I'm just saying that as a sign of confidence okay, a guy can dream can he not? ).
That's all for now I guess. Might be on hiatus, but you know me, my hiatus is never long. =D
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Monday, October 29, 2007
Pfft. Someone please oh please help me. I wanna play CS and CM 03/04 !
Damn it. I lost both my CDs somehow. T_T
Sighs, tsk tsk. This is what happens when you're a slob who couldn't care less for any of his belongings. Died-ed. =/
I really wanna CS ar ! Curse you people for reliving it again. Grrr. Now make me like so distracted from studying and I'm like so not prepared for SPM. Tsk tsk, I should start reading my Chemistry again. Or should I?
Hmm, I find myself super hyper yesterday. Wait, is there such a thing as super hyper? Whatever. I did countless amount of things which is so not Ken in public. Grr, what has happened to me? =(
Anyways, had this really weird dream last night. I already knew Liverpool drew 1-1 with Arsenal. But rite, in my dream I somehow dreamt that Liverpool were somewhat gonna beat the EPL record as they put 9 goals past Arsenal in 80minutes. @_@
Yeah la yeah la, blame me for anti-Arsenal whatever shit la. I also can't control my dreams wan okay. Pfft.
Man Utd for the EPL title and Champions League! Nyahaha.
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Friday, October 26, 2007
What have I done to deserve this shit?
Screw TM ( Tolong Melayu ). Babi.
My Firefox and IE are so slow at the moment. Firefox is like taking 10mins+ to load just 1 page. YES, 1 PAGE~!
Pfft. Grrr. This is really getting on my nerves.
I even forgot what I wanted to blog about. Pfft.
Suxxor la TM.
Grr. >=(
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Thursday, October 25, 2007
The Remedy
Thanks baybe.
Love you. <3
*hugs* =)
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Monday, October 22, 2007
Sunday, October 21, 2007
12 Hours
Oh gawd.
I've gone out again, hoho. Surprised?
Guess not.
Went out this morning to seminar again at Perijaya at about 9.00. To my amazement I reached there at 9.15. Hoho. After that had to sleep sit at the seminar for about 3hours or so from 9.30 till 12.30. @_@
Luckily Ho, Lai, Alvin, Vin Son, David, Joe Keen, and Porn Min Mon Ray was there to enlighten the mood a little.
After that went to KFC for a lil snack before heading to Times Square to meet up with baybe. <3
Met up with her at about 1.30 if not mistaken. Then went shopping for pressies (again!) till about 2pm. I was definitely still feeling some aftereffects from the seminar coz when baybe asked me the time I told her it was 1.30 whereas it was already 2pm. @_@
So we went walking around before goin to yc at Summer Cafe then headed to watch The Seeker at 5.30pm.
By watching this movie means that we've basically watched every single nice movie in the past month. Weee, oh wait. Damn. Forgot. We haven't watch the Chuck and Larry. Pfft.
The movie was nice of course. Hmm, then after that we went for dinner lor.
Then at about 8.45 only we went home. Hoho.
12hours really today.
Goodbye SPM.
10A's here I come. Pfft. Don't believe I can?
Let's wait and see. =)
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Saturday, October 20, 2007
38 Questions
Okay, I'm doing this coz' I'm pretty much bored okay. Lolz.
I seriously have nothing to do, so I was looking around some bloggies to find some tags to do and I found this pretty interesting. =D
1. Name one person who made you laugh last night.
Baybe. <3
2. What were you doing at 0800?
Sleeping. Duh.
3. What were you doing 30minutes ago?
Showering I think. Erm, yeah. Pretty sure about that.
4. What happened to you in 2006?
Erm, you expect me to sum everything into one line? Hmm, okay then. I practically stoned throughout the entire year and went out for dates and was wasted in my studies.
5. What was the last thing you said out loud?
Absolutely no idea. @_@
6. How many beverages did you have today?
Erm, let me see. Milo, Ribena, barlee and water. So that makes 4?
7. What colour is your hairbrush?
I don't have one?
8. What was the last thing you paid for?
Erm, lunch today at TS. Some Uncle Duck place my frens brought me too. =O
9. Where were you last night?
At home. Wtf.
10. What colour is your front door?
11. Where do you keep your change?
Wallet, erm, on my table and shelf. And yeah, I have a one cent collection. More than 1500+ dy okay. =D
12. What's the weather like today?
No idea. I was at seminar okay. Indoors la how to know the weather. Guess it was raining or something.
13. What's the best ice-cream flavour?
Belgian Chocolate, no doubt. <3
14. What excites you?
Practically anything I find interesting.
15. Do you want to cut your hair?
NO~! I just got a hair cut few days back. Pfft.
16. Are you over the age of 25?
Do I look that old to you?
17. Do you talk a lot?
Not really. I prefer to see it in moderation and talk when I feel necessary so that I don't make a fool out of myself.
18. Do you watch the O.C. ?
Erm, sometimes, but it's not showing anymore on Astro.
19. Do you know anyone named Steven?
20. Do you make up your own words?
Erm, as in? I don't lie, but I do write poems, erm. Make up my own words...Hmm.. No idea.
21. Are you a jealous person?
Very, I mean it.
22. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter 'A'.
23. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter 'K'.
24. Who's the first person on your received call's list?
Alvin. Wtf. Called me for seminar stuff. Pfft.
25. What does the last text message you received say?
It was from baybe telling me to take care and have fun dota-ing ending with a "I miss you too" <3
26. Do you chew on your straw?
Erm, as of late no.
27. Do you have curly hair?
28. Where's the next place you're going to?
Pudu. Seminar again. Wtf.
29. Who's the rudest person in your life?
No idea.
30. What was the last thing you ate?
Panda biscuits. With the chocolate inside wan. =D
31. Will you get married in the future?
We'll see about that, won't we?
32. What's the best movie you've seen in the past 2weeks?
The Bourne Ultimatum. Hoho.
33. Is there anyone you like right now?
My one and only piggy. <3
34. When was the last time you did the dishes?
Erm, no idea.
35. Are you currently depressed?
Is there a percentage meter to this? If so then maybe 10% yes.
36. Did you cry today?
Wtf? No.
37. Why did you answer and post this?
Coz I suxxor and I have nothing better to do. Lalala.
38. Tag 5 people to do this survey.
Anyone, since I stole this tag anyways. =D
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Friday, October 19, 2007
Name: justin
Date: 10/19/2007
Colorgenics Number: 16425307
You don't need anxiety and problems. All you really seek is a conflict free environment which can offer peace and mental security. You don't like the idea of being alone and, whatever the reason, at this time of your life you feel as if you are being 'left out'. What you really need is perhaps some 'tender loving care'.
In the past there have been - and maybe there still are - many things that you have had to do without. You have now decided to set your sights on a position or situation that could give you greater prestige and which will afford you considerable self esteem.
It is hard for you to accept that your needs and desires are misunderstood by almost everyone within your sphere of influence and there is no one to rely on. Your pent-up emotions and inherent egocentricity make you quick to take offence, but as matters stand you realise that you'll have to make the best of things as they are.
You are being unduly influenced by the situation that is all around you. You do not like the feeling of loneliness and whatever it is that seems to separate you from others. You know that life can be wonderful and you are anxious to experience life in all its aspects, to live it to the full. You therefore resent any restriction or limitations that are being imposed on you and you insist on going it alone.
You wish to be left in peace... no more conflict and no more differences of opinion. In fact you just don't want to be involved in arguments of any shape or form. All you want is for 'them' to get on with it - and to leave you alone.
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2days of Whatever~ness
Pfft, what a tiring 2days it has been.
Started on Wednesday. *yawns*
Seriously lacking rest, in addition to having fever. Hoho. @_@
Well, I stayed up Tuesday night preparing baybe's gift till about 5.30am. Yups, meaning I had 3hours of sleep as I had to follow mum to the site first before meeting baybe at MV at around 12.00.
So we walked around first, went to Gardens. Spent about an hour there. Seriously lotsa shops. Kinda nice wei, especially with a cute shop. Forgot the name. Baybe liked it very much. Especially as it had this HUGE Stitch soft toy at the front.
Hmm, so we walked around MV before heading to Chili's for lunch.
After lunch we were both feeling very cold, I was practically shivering. Thankfully baybe was there to warm me. <3
We then went window shopping a bit before heading to MPH in hope to warm ourselves. Soon later Lucas came to pick us up and we headed to David's birthday party.
I slept in the car so I didn't know wth happened. Lolz.
The fire took about 2hours to set up, and Chef Chin Choa, Chef Nigel and Chef Tay (whom all had forks with them, wtf) prepared dinner for us. Me and baybe didn't eat much though, still full from the meal we had at Chili's. @_@
So after some laughs and a very very funny incident in which I poured a bucket of ice water on Mon Ray ( no typos XD ), we chit chat and then headed for pool nearby.
After that, it was already close to 4, so we crashed at David's place. Lucas was road-blocked by the police so he came around 4.30.
So everyone was pretty much engrossed by the PS 3 while Lucas was at the comp till about 6.30. Everyone slept upstairs while me and baybe slept in the living room.
Baybe wasn't feeling comfy on the sofa so I offered her to sleep down with me. <3
We only managed to sleep at 8.30 and woke up and 11.00.
Soon later, everyone was awake and we headed to a nearby mamak for our brunch.
After brunch we all headed back home, and surprisingly nobody's parents were mad by the fact that we all went back so late, which includes Mon Ray's parents. Wtf. @_@
I was worried bout' baybe as her dad sounded mad but luckily nothing happened.
So then I slept at about 8pm yesterday. @_@
And here I am today, hoho.
There goes 2days which could be used to study. SPM? Oh gawd, 20days to go. Woots. I likes. =D
Pfft, can we just get it done and over with already?
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Monday, October 15, 2007
Penguin-ie <3
Wee, penguins. <3
Specially for you, baybe. Hope you like it. =)Side view.
Front view.
Other side view.
Plan view.
Just a little something I did today. Painted it with water colour. <3
Took me 2hours okay. Ish.
Hehe, and yeah, just in case you're wondering, I did it out of A4 paper. =D
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Breaking the Habit
Jiwangz I shall no more.
For you have given me life again. Thanks baybe.
And when I say thanks, it ain't to whom you might think it is. Coz' my baybe is also my piggy wiggy. =D
Shoot me for being in love and being loved again.
Miss you. <3
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Saturday, October 13, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Can someone please put a bullet through my head and end this misery?
Edit :
I just watched HSM 2, downloaded it during my jiwangz period.
And yeah, it didn't suck as bad as I thought it would be.
Actually it was kinda sad, touching, and jiwangz in a way. Aaaaa.
Damn, the part where Troy and Gabriella gonna break off that time really like damn resembles me in some sort of way. Tsk tsk, shouldn't think too much.
Hmm, but at the end also Gabriella pandai pandai come back and sing. <3
But yet again, it's on TV. So I guess it's meant to be staged for happy endings. Sighs. IF only reality had some sorta twists which are happy.
But the way Gabriella hold hands with Ryan sorta like damn flirty also in a way. @_@
But she knows how to differentiate who she really has her feelings for and just friends I guess.
The irony of that situation. Tsk tsk. Again, I'm thinking too much.
Sighs. Was too lazy to think of a title to put, thus I edited the post. Kinda like hijacking in a way.
Okays, that's all for now.
Back to my jiwangz-ing.
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Wednesday, October 10, 2007
What a lonely and quiet night.
I'm down with fever and feeling chilly.
Oh gawd, pfft. Face it, I'm sick.
Damn, physically and mentally ill now. No idea what I'm doing.
Feeling jiwangz and sorta like stoned. Wtf. Am I really that pathetic?
Aaaaa. Someone please enlighten me.
I'm bored till death now and my fever ain't really helping.
I feel dizzy too. @_@
Fuck this shit. Why in the hell must we get fever?!?!??!
Sighs, feeling cold on the outside and inside tonight.
These are just the times where I miss baybe so much, but that part of my life is over.
Hmm, my phone beeped and rang, I was a lil happy, I thought it was you.
Turns out, it wasn't.
Back to stoning now. >=(
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Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Lemon Tree
Love this song back in the old days.
Listened to it at home, on the bus, in shopping malls, ugggh, pretty much everywhere.
Now, you wouldn't even be able to hear it in any part of the world.
I feel sad. Don't ask me why.
" Feelings can grow but they can go away too ".
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Monday, October 8, 2007
Yakety Sax
No idea why.
But I'm addicted to the song. It's Yakety Sax. Some Benny Hill theme song. Some say was a comedy show of some sort. But the song damn catchy and nice wei. Listen once sure wanna listen again. =D
Haven't been updating lately too, guess I've got nothing much to blog about, or do I?
When I wanna blog, I don't know what to write, but when I don't, I feel like I wanna post so many things up. Wtf.
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Saturday, October 6, 2007
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Be Neonified~!
Nyahaha, finally.
At last I can post up my poems. Rofl, though I had to made the site private, and yeah, lame as it may be. It's my 3rd bloggie site. T_T
Interested in reading them? Just drop me your mail aites. And for those who don't have blogger accounts, your google ones would do fine. >=D
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